Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Craig Luschenat - Stephen Curry

Stephen for his career has shot 44% from three and 46% from 16 feet to the three-point line. After calibrating all his miss fundamentals together against the rest of the NBA I can conclude that he is between a 42%-44% three-point shooter. His miss fundamental totals were most comparable to Kyle Korver.

Stephen has excellent form, fundamentals, and release point on his shot. He is well into the elite percentile for every fundamental except dropped hands. Curry on a relatively open shots almost never makes a mistake; he holds his hands, is on balance, and sticks his landing. However, he takes a lot of tough shots and rightly so, but this is usually when he makes mistakes in his delivery. Also, Curry only really makes one mistake that affects his shot and that’s dropping his hands. Most players have multiple mistakes that affect his shot, but elite shooters like Curry don’t make multiple mistakes often.

With Curry all I care about his is body being compact on his shot. What I mean by compact is his feet under him and no part of his body flailing. If you take a picture of Curry when he is shooting a good ball everything is compact, regardless if he is fading back, leaning to a side, or shooting an open shot.

Breakdown:  Per 100 Missed Shots: Craig Luschenat
1.     Dropped Hands: Totalà 29% of the time he missed.
2.     Feet Off Balance: Totalà 12% of the time he missed.
3.     Leaning/Fading Back: Totalà 15% of the time he missed.
4.     Good Misses: Totalà 44% of the time he missed.
5.     Missed Short: Totalà 11% of the time he missed.

Video Breakdown: Craig Luschenat

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