Monday, June 25, 2018

Craig Luschenat - Klay Thompson

Klay shoots a career 42% from three-point range and 44% from 16 feet to the three-point line. After calibrating all his miss fundamentals together against the rest of the NBA I can conclude that he is between a 41%-43% three-point shooter. 
Klay, like all elite shooters, has great form, fundamentals, and release point. Klay rarely makes a mistake on an open shot; he’s on balance, sticks his landing, and holds his hands high. When Klay misses its typically because he’s takes very tough shot. He is in the elite percentile for every fundamental expect fade/lean; he has a 32% fade/lean percentage per 100 missed shots, while the elite shooters average is 25%. An example of when he typically leans is when he’s coming off a screen, which he does to create space; this helps him in a lot of situations, but it also can hurt him in others.

Klay is very much like Stephen Curry, in that, as long as he is compact on his shot I am fine. What I mean by compact is his feet under him and no part of his body flailing. As long as he is compact I don’t mind him taking any shot, regardless of him fading back or leaning to a side.

Breakdown:  Per 100 Missed Shots: Craig Luschenat
1.     Leaning/Fading Back: Totalà 32% of the time he missed.
2.     Dropped Hands: Totalà 18% of the time he missed.
3.     Good Misses: Totalà 40% of the time he missed.
4.     Feet off Balance: Total à 10% of the time he missed.
5.     Missed Short: Totalà 24% of misses.

Video Breakdown: Craig Luschenat

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